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Kurt Vaughn

Ecologist, Farm & Climate Program

Kurt is CLBL’s Ecologist working with the Farm & Climate Program. He has 20 years of experience in ecological restoration, nonprofit management and environmental education. He has a doctorate in Ecology from U.C. Davis, and a B.S. in Physiology and a B.A. in Cultural Anthropology from U.C. Santa Barbara. His dissertation and post-doctoral research have been focused on improving the effectiveness and efficiency of restoration practices in CA’s Central Valley and Foothills. He volunteered with CLBL’s SLEWS program for several years before becoming a partner as the Sacramento Valley Project Manager for Audubon California’s Landowner Stewardship Program.

Kurt recently returned to California after six years as Executive Director of Borderlands Restoration Network, an environmental nonprofit organization in the Sky Islands of Arizona. There he developed and led programming focused on conservation, ecological restoration, native plant materials and outdoor education. Upon returning to California he also got right back into research focusing on blue oak regeneration and restoration.